Shop Hamro Village wholesale products using ShopZio

You can now Shop and Pre-Order Hamro Village wholesale products using ShopZio. ShopZio is an innovative and user friendly online marketplace that allows retailers to shop and connect with multiple vendors all in one place. We have amazing new collections and deals throughout the year so don't forget to visit us often!
Already have an Account? LOGIN below. If do not have an account with us, please REGISTER here.
To become a Hamro Village retailer, you must first register on the Shopzio and request access using following steps:
- Go to ShopZio and fill out the Registration Form and submit the application.
- You will receive an email from ShopZio to confirm your registration. Click the 'Verify My Account" to activate
your account. You will receive another email to confirm your account registration is now complete. - Log into Shopzio and REQUEST ACCESS from Hamro Village under Explore Brands Button.
- You will receive an email from Hamro immediately granting you access to start shopping our products
anywhere and anytime.
- The minimum opening order is $250. Reorder are $100
- Shipping is usually within 3-5 business days after order confirmation unless advised
otherwise by the customer or pre-order items. - All orders are subject to product availability. If an item is not in stock.
at the time you place your order, we will notify you. - Prices are subject to change without notice.
- Taxes, discount and freight will be adjusted on the final invoice.
If you need assistance please contact at